The Soul-Rest Found in Delight {Thoughts on the Sabbath}

There are many aspects of social media that I enjoy.

When I first started blogging three years ago, I loved the challenge of crafting each post and meeting my own weekly writing goals.

When I first joined Facebook, I loved reconnecting with friends from the small town I grew up in.

More recently, I signed up for Twitter. (And I’m still figuring that one out.)

All these technological mediums have brought real joy into my life as I have connected with some truly wonderful people. At the same time, I have also noticed how the minutes spent online can become hours. As a result, I have sometimes wished for a rustic cabin in the mountains, just so my family and I could “get away” from all the electronic gadgets and gizmos for a weekend.

So I started trying something new. New for me, anyway.

I’ve been going “unplugged” on the weekends.

I haven’t followed this pattern perfectly. And I’m okay with that too. I have merely attempted a new balance. And I’m liking it.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day on my couch reading a book. From the couch, I could hear the sounds of a table saw coming from the garage. Outside, I could hear the kids shouting, โ€œReady or not, here I come!โ€

Each member of my family was enjoying the Sabbath, doing what delights them most. Through this delight, a genuine soul-rest has been found. And it didn’t even require a cabin or a trip to the mountains. ย ๐Ÿ™‚

I haven’t always been so diligent about keeping the “Sabbath.” The word itself sounds strange and archaic. Yet, despite its unfamiliarity in our day-to-day vernacular, it’s as relevant today as it was when Moses first wrote about it.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy . . .
For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth
. . . but He rested on the seventh day.”
~ Exodus 20:8,11a

I’m reading a book right now titled Sabbath by Dan Allender, and in it, the author suggests that God rested, not because He was tired and achy and worn out, but because He wanted to sit back and delight in His creation. The correlation between delight and rest is something I never thought about in quite that way before. It’s something to ponder.

So on this Monday morning, as I get back into the swing of weekday things, I am thankful.

I am thankful for . . .

144. cool mornings
145. warm quilts
146. hot tea

147. good books
148. challenging conversations
149. new attempts

150. the hum of my husbandโ€™s workshop
151. the sound of children playing
152. quiet afternoons

Do you have a Sabbath tradition?
Do you have any tips or advice for a Twitter newbie?

While reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, I started keeping a list of the things I am thankful for.

30 thoughts on “The Soul-Rest Found in Delight {Thoughts on the Sabbath}

  1. Pingback: Thoughts on Blogging and Living | Denise J. Hughes

  2. Denise~ What a good point about God not taking the Sabbath because he was tired. I am a rush-rush-rush kind of girl. It’s poison though. I am trying so hard to learn to slow. I have also started breaking from social media on the weekends. It definitly helps, but I know I need to do more to do less. Thank you for this today ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Beautiful post!

    Recently, after finding myself submerged in the social media ocean, I looked to HIM for a way out. I love the ability to keep in touch, but if keeping in touch means staying out of touch with my family, then it’s not worth it! The Lord has spoken to me specifically, leading me to narrow my social media scope. What relief! What freedom!

    Thank you for sharing…

  4. Oh I loved your words — God wanted to sit back and delight in His creation. We do practice a Sabbath without restaurants, shopping or noisiness. Not rigid, just a break from the ordinary days of the week. Worship, rest and family time. I love your “unplugged” idea though. It’s hard to imagine a day without the computer but I can certainly see what a blessing that would be.

    • Pamela, I think you’re right on when you talk about practicing the Sabbath but not in a rigid way. The Sabbath isn’t supposed to be about keeping a rigid set of rules. It’s a day to rest and celebrate Him and His creation and the family He has given us. ~BLESSINGS.

  5. One of my favorite books on this subject is The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan. Unplugging on weekends is a good discipline Denise. I know I could do with being on-line less myself. I started using twitter when I started blogging in August of last year. I am continuing to learn and glean quite a bit of information about lots of things and attended a few twitter parties. But sometimes I wish I had someone to teach me how to use it better.

  6. I love this whole concept of becoming ‘unplugged’ on the Sabbath! For years now I have noticed a natural slowing down and need for rest on Sunday. We usually relax, nap and also do what we enjoy most that relaxes us. And, I usually put my photos together for Ann’s Multitudes on Monday post…I love that most because I’m really focusing on the Lord. Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed reading your thoughts!

  7. I just watched an interview with eugene peterson in which he says much the same about Sabbath keeping. We don’t keep the sabbath just to cease work–we use it to reflect on the good work done all week long. Hmm. A lot to be said about that, I think . Lovely thoughts, Denise. Happy Sabbath-keeping to you!

    • Laura, I noticed in the footnotes of this book that Eugene Peterson was quoted by a bit. He wrote an article about the Sabbath in Christianity Today, several years ago. I’ll have to dig it up. It sounds good.

      Happy Sabbath-Keeping to you as well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. We both have been blogging about the same time. I don’t get Twitter very much. The only time I post there are when my blog auto posts! I hope to get more active there, as it seems like it can be fun. I try to step away from the computer and blogging when I can most of the day on Saturday. But you will find me sneaking in sometime during the weekend to catch up on my favorite reads.

  9. Twitter is still a bit of a mystery to me as well. While I enjoy Facebook and blogging, I, too, don’t get on-line much on the weekends. Makes for a nice balance. As far as the Sabbath~ I like it as low key as possible. We do smoothies and popcorn for dinner, so I’m guaranteed light kitchen time:) Blessings to you. I did enjoy the Dan Allender book on Sabbath.

  10. Hi Denise,
    Wonderful words about how we find delight as we rest…I recently joined Twitter and I am still trying to figure it out, or more accurately, bumbling about…I haven’t joined FB yet for many reasons, and one of them being that I’m afraid that it will become a time drain although I could exercise self-control {wink}…Thankful for God’s gift of rest…helps me to create space to hear Him better…Thanks for the follow on Twitter…Blessings as you begin your week and as you rest ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Ooohh… Love Dan Allender. I read his book To Be Told about telling our story… He’s a wonderful author for healing souls…

    And the Sabbath… I wonder why I haven’t followed His command, as it found a worthy place in the ten… but not in my own life… But as more of my years pass, I realize it is more of a gift than a command to find the quiet resting to rediscover the joy and refreshing in my life… as God is in no hurry like my own…

    Thanks for sharing this…

  12. I too have been more intentional about Sabbath this year but haven’t completely unplugged. Good idea though. I do like the comment from that book you are reading. to sit back and enjoy creation.

    My Sunday Sabbath: I journal. Often I don’t write during the week and this time I pray, write out verses, concern, discernments, anything but I write with God on Sunday.

  13. Delight and rest…yes–worth pondering indeed! Thank you! Think I’ll see if my library has the book…
    I have been on a new Sabbath seeking journey as of late as well. It was my first unplugged day yesterday and I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it. Makes me wonder why I fight God so much on these little things that end up being a big blessing to me in the end. so silly.

    and twitter? I’m thrilled to follow you, but am not one to give any advice–I’m clueless when it comes to the techie things ๐Ÿ˜‰

    All for Him,

  14. Hi Denise, I agree with you, social media can definitely eat up time. I don’t spend much time on FB, but I like Twitter. I need to get better about not checking email and Twitter when my plan was to sit down and write, or read, or whatever, but I’m getting there. ๐Ÿ™‚

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